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Carina C. Zona

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More Abstracts

Below are new talks available by request in addition to talks I’ve previously given.

Data of the Dead

App development rarely envisions, let alone designs for, death. Yet it’s a factor that has complicated influence on users. So it’s necessary that it likewise influence how we approach features, security, and policies.

When a loved one dies, there are people who hope to maintain access to the digital mementos that we hold of the person. Some people need direct access to the departed’s accounts.

What are our responsibilities to the departed and to the living? What about when someone is not gone, but incapacitated? Or when a person’s death has cultural impact? Or when legal and administrative requirements conflict with human needs of those who are grieving? What about when the dead aren’t our apps’ users, but the people taking respite from thinking about them? Uncomfortable questions.

We can balance our legitimate practical concerns – such as risk of social engineering – with compassion for people who are grappling with tech complications while in mourning. But few of use know what proven approaches exist for us to draw upon. We’ll examine questions, solutions, amd design patterrns. You’ll take away practical approaches to this human factor, and successfully code for it.

1 Factor, 2 Factor, Red Factor, Blue Factor: Doubling Up On Security with Two Factor Authentication

In this beginner-level talk you'll learn about the various forces that are driving adoption of multi-factor authentication including 2FA. We'll look at why certain solutions have become especially popular. We’ll discuss the challenges of applying “something you are” factors such as biometrics. We'll compare the pros and cons of a wide gamut of "something you have" approaches, including SMS, voice calls, card readers, thumbdrives, grids, soft tokens, hard tokens. We'll candidly evaluate ease of implementation, ease-of-use, and potential trouble spots.

Cool Git Tricks (...That I Learn When Things Go Badly)

A cheeky tour of ridiculously handy features that even experienced Git users are frequently unaware of. No more blundering into trouble. For me, that is. You won’t have to blunder in the first case. You’ll discover the really cool features that make Git worth learning.

Tech Innovation in Sexual Health Education

Creative use of emerging technology is making human sexuality education fun to engage with and sustain. This session is rich with real-world examples using disparate technologies for internet & mobile, including: accelerometer, geolocation, APIs, SMS, crowdsourcing, open data, data visualization, gamification, social networking, and virtual worlds.

Sex Education Hackers’ Guidebook for Every App Developer

Innovative use of mobile, web, and gaming are making sex education fun to engage with! These developers are meeting challenges, and devising clever solutions that connect with diverse users worldwide. We'll take a whirlwind tour of apps, to uncover the surprising product development insights that startups in any field will find invaluable.